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  • Aug 02

    Mary Barry

    Most jazz singers sing standards those great tunes written by genius wordsmiths including Cole Porter, Rogers and Hart, or Johnny Mercer. It worked for Ella and works today for Diana. Blues singers tend to immerse themselves in the creations of several generations of Afro-American writers from Ma Rainey to Robert Cray. Those who embrace chanson work the Bs- Brel, Brassens, and Boris Vian.
    Mary Barry follows a different path, writing original songs in all three genres that are so good they sound like standards. Sometimes you really have to look at the composer credits to confirm that the song that reduced you to a puddle of emotion was written by the same person you hear singing it. The ability to both write and interpret is a rare talent outside the rock and folk worlds. Even more compelling is her ability to create magic on stage. Mary Barry has spent a lifetime refining her skills and the result has won her a dedicated coterie of fans among discerning listeners from coast to coast and all over the map.
    Tickets at the door or at:
    click here

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