Travel Options
The fastest way to get to English Harbour is to fly to St. John’s or Gander and rent a car. Many carriers have daily flights. A rental car should be reserved in advance. Take a look at the directions page of our site and you will see that your drive will take about three hours, or a little less if coming from Gander.
The most beautiful and adventuresome way to get to English Harbour is to drive. This will take some time, but the landscape you cross is beautiful and memorable. You will need to contact Marine Atlantic at http://www.marineatlantic.com for a ferry schedule and reservation. You must drive to North Sydney on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia to the ferry terminal to get your ferry. This is a two-day drive from Toronto, or Hartford, CT. After a seven hour crossing you land in Chanel-Port-aux-Basques. You will now have a nine hour drive to English Harbour. Yes, Newfoundland is that expansive. If you are traveling in the summer you can choose to take a longer, sixteen hour ferry which lands in Argentia. You will have a three hour drive to English Harbour from this port.