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  • Jul 13



    $20 Tickets available at:

    (Limited tickets available at the door.)

    "Monto, hailing from one of the most easterly points in North America, is a rock band in the truest sense. The band, formed in 2011, has left audiences from their hometown of Bonavista totally enthralled by serving them something they rarely get to hear much of any more - music steeped in the country, folk, blues and soul roots of great rock 'n roll. These four high school friends - Andrew Smith, Spencer Oldford, Kyle Waye and Alex Crewe - take their early influences and mix them with a creativity and imagination that allows them to make music that is, at once, both authentic and original. That's what happens when a passion for rock's greatest artists crashes headlong into the innocence of youth and the pure joy of discovering how to play rock 'n roll. Wise beyond their 17 years, these four boys take their songwriting very seriously. Soon, others will too."

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