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  • Sep 20

    Painting with Philip Craig

    A Four-Day Painting Workshop with Canadian Artist Philip Craig

    A chance to paint and experience the breathtaking beauty
    of the Trinity Bight area of Newfoundland with Canadian Artist, Philip Craig

    Grab your paints and join Philip Craig who has agreed to return to his beloved Newfoundland for another visit, and to teach the hows and whys of his unique approach to painting. Craig's lively yet structured approach is the hallmark of his successful career, as is not to be missed.

    Philip will give complete instructions on how to select a subject and then plan the steps to creating a painting that will open your eyes to the joy of creativity in this beautiful and challenging environment, and have fun doing it. You will learn from much of what he has developed over a career spanning forty years including ten in Newfoundland.

    Each day will begin with a spirited demonstration, followed by ongoing coaching and helpful instruction as you work.
    Saturday evening there will be a group dinner with Philip, at Fishers' Loft Inn in Port Rexton.
    Sunday evening Philip will talk about recent projects and future plans and talk about life as a professional artist in Canada.
    Monnday will involve more painting and problem solving, and will include a final critique and discussion of what has been created over the three day workshop.

    This is indeed a rare opportunity.
    Suitable for novices or the experienced painter.
    A real memory maker!

    A materials list will be sent to registrants.
    Participants should come dressed for plein aire painting
    and bring a lunch.

    10 - 4, 3 on Monday

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