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  • Aug 22

    2017 Nickel Road Show

    It's film night at the Centre. Please join us for two productions from the 2017 Nickel Independent film festival.

    Admission is by donation.

    "I heard the birch tree whisper in the night"

    Following Newfoundland artist Gerry Squires as he works to complete his final painting before succumbing to his illness, filmmaker Kenneth Harvey shapes this moving documentary with candid footage of conversations with Squires close family and friends, fellow artists, and the artist himself.

    When Gerald Squires passed in Fall 2016, he left an enormous body of work that was rooted fully in the Newfoundland landscape. Though he received many honours for his lifetime contribution of artistic work, perhaps one of the best gifts comes to us through this documentary as Gerry shares his insight on mortality, spirituality and the ongoing quest of the artist to explore the emotional landscape of living and dying.

    "Crocuses" A film by Wanda Nolan

    On the last day of packing up her home, Rita cant shake the regret she feels about her late husband.

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